( ) - Ceremony Time:
$50 delivery and set up fee: $ 50.00
Total: $ .
Tiers: Deposit - $ .
Keeping top tier: Y N Balance Due $ .
Stacked or Floating: If floating, what kind of pillars:
Flavors: Top: Suggested:
Able to access reception hall @ __:__ am/pm
Reception Address:
Note: We do not provide the cake knife or lifter.
We do not provide champagne flutes.
We do not provide a cake cutting service.
Signature of
Responsible Party
Signature of K & K Representative
Wedding Cake Contract
K & K Creations
1. There is a 50% deposit due no later than 2 months prior to the wedding date.
2. Balance is due 2 weeks before the wedding if paying by check and 1 week prior to the wedding if paying cash.
4. Once the cake is set up at the reception site, we are no longer responsible for any damage it may incur. We will have someone sign accepting the cake and a photograph will be taken.
of Responsible Party Signature of K & K Representative